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lats arms and Land for Sale Homes for Rent Homes for Rent lats Business Opportunities JOHNSON SONS 722 6133 Money to Loan Mortgages Rooms With Board 74 Rooms Without Board ARMS Priced $15000 NICE EAST SIDE HOMES 6 REALTOR AVAILABLE OR RENT Homes for Sale 2 Rooms for Housekeeping 1415 CHELSEA lats APARTMENTS HYATT REALTY 724 4454 arms and Land for Sale CLASSIIED DISPLAY CLASSIIED DISPLAY CLASSIIED DISPLAY CLASSIIED DISPLAY WHY! DO YOU WANT YOUR SHARE M66f50000! Why All Those Monthly Payments? i 1 2 TO 7 YEAR TERMS 3 I and list your real proper Credit Lift Intreanc Included WE URGE COMPARISON Cameron RIENDLY AND OR The Sluarl Bondurant Really Company wk IE 606 Pepper Building 72S10S7 SP Itome of Lmo Price 3 6 136 WEST END BLVD 6 room duplex $1250 week BennetUGeorge 722 7454 ROSE SPARKS 725 6341 or 725 8501 $14 wk 414 wk 3 3 6 3 9 6 rms 912 Madison 7 rms 300 Gregory 4 rms 2409 Urban 4 rms 2029 Dacian 4 rms 2703 Carlyle 4 rms 1104 Albert rms 1644 St rms 415 23rd St rms 1110 31st St rms 1007 Claremont rms 1513 Bailey Completely furnished bedroom with bath shower Phone 767 1486 I i near Lewisville wooded beautiful private location 10X40 BEDROOM Trailer air condition All utilities furnished Call 945 3343 5W ROOM Brick home 3 mites south of Western Electric on Old Lexington Road Available April 10th 7880839 7 Yrs $2207 4414 9517 7724 11035 $90 mo $15 wk $1250 wk $12 wk $9 wk $10 wk 2 BEDROOM TRAILER for rent Utilities furnished Located 4412 So Main St $25 week 7840043 OR RENT 6 room house excellent condition Partially carpeted 5 miles outside city 788 4750 ARDMORE 3 bedrooms full basement central heat tile bath 2335 Cherokee Lane 3 bedroom home near schools Good location $110 per month 13 ACRES LAND WOODED Beautiful homesite 5 miles East of Yadkinville on Old 421 724 2591 7 pm 10 pm weekdays anytime weekends Approx 45 acres 4 miles from East Bend on state road Old house barn Some open land Call now $20000 acre 5 R00M HOUSE with room to room heat 136 Marvin Blvd 788 7051 Deluxe (Good section) mod 4' rm full bsmt finished rm like new 722 1768 Gl In (little money) OR SALE Trade or rent with option to buy leet Slreet two nice brick 3 bedroom homes 1'A baths drlve in basement Near Parkland High School Call after 5 pm 765 0136 2737 LUDWIG ST 5 room 3 bedrooms basement $75 mo Available 4 15 '68 Hubbard Realty 723 4332 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent In Morn ingside Call 788 2985 NEAR Mineral Springs Baptist Church 2 bedroom home 725 6612 WALKERTOWN RD outside City Limits Neat frame rancher screened porch large living room and kitchen full basement large lot Only $11500 John Stanfield Really 725 2486 WEST TOWN Approx 10 acres land Approx 5 acres RO 6 6552 NORTH 3 room unfurnished apartment Private entrance Heat waler furni shed On bus line 767 2149 6 ROOM house furnace garden space Off Lewisville Clemmons Road near new 421 766 4873 or 723 7220 4W ROOM heat to each room Close schools church $75 mo 788 5743 2 NEW HOUSES Lewisville ree Call 945 5904 NW 211 Parkwood (orest Hills) Deluxe 5 rms smell dn assume In 722 1768 Handy Univ Duplan $79 mo URNISHED 2 pine paneled rooms bath 2 blocks from Thalhlmers PA 5 6685 PA 4 5655 Amount of Loen $1000 $2000 $2500 $3500 $5100 6 ROOM House 705 Brookstown Avenue Call 722 0121 Peace Haven over one acre beautiful wooded lot Suburban Realty 766 4562 766 4729 COUNTRY CLUB Section 2 bedroom den Brick All on 1 floor $150 mo PA 4 3322 PARKWAY PLAZA area 3 bedrooms full basement fenced in wooded lot 921 Warren Ave $110 mo 722 7084 4 BEDROOMS 2 baths fenced yard large well maintained older home 1838 Brantley Ardmore $13750 Call 724 5142 after 6 pm OLDER HOME 570 Peace Haven 3 bedrooms 6 rooms central heat $85 724 9987 2012 PLEASANT ST Off Waugh town St 4 room house $12 week 723 5133 4 ROOM HOUSE heat each room washer connections Apply 4327 Tis Ave 767 0472 767 1290 3 BEDROOM house oil furnace newly redecorated $75 month 3662 Cornell Blvd 788 7916 ROBIN HOOD CIRCLE 4 room modern duplex furnished gas heat 723 1023 722 2708 $1250 DOWN will buy this almost new 3 bedroom brick home 2 full baths near Bishop McGuinness High Kitchen family with fireplace bullt lns dishwasher garage paved drive Only $19975 at 1352 Waybridge Lane Jim Rhodes Really 924 8151 Res 765 2187 765 4087 722 1944 STOKES COUNTY 220 acres approx 15000 lb fob allot 90 acres cleared terms Stauber Realty 969 5602 969 2365 722 9830 3423 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD Unfurnished 5 room brick Call 765 2563 CAPELLA STOKES COUNTY 63 acres located on secondary Road with bottom land plenty of permanent grass and streams 983 9371 COLORED: Mod 4 rm Brick $13 wk Bennett George 722 7454 7 ROOM HOUSE bath urnace heat Vienna Community west 945 5120 945 5727 BEDROOM Home oil heat 2'i baths barn shed 2 car garage fruit trees 1000 ft river frontage Near Tangle wood Park 56 acres or less By ap pointment Owner 766 6625 2608 MAIN 4 rooms gas heat wired for electric stove 788 7255 WEST END near ive Points furnished bedroom All conveniences Gentleman Reasonable PA 2 2294 OR COLORED 930 Taft St 3 rms $10 wk Bennett George 722 7454 8 8 10 ACRES Land 500 ft road frontage Grapevine Road 945 3579 DOWNTOWN Large room kitchen priv $10 $12 wk 139 Spring 722 9458 LAMBE YOUNG REALTORS PA 5 8501 GENTLEMEN Rooms near Schlitz Company Reasonable rates Showers parking telephone TV 788 2323 2512 STOCKTON St 2 or 3 bedrooms SlOO mo Brantley Realty 722 7136 136 WEST END BLVD 6 room duplex $1250 week Bennett George 722 7454 NEW LISTING Ardmore 4 bedrooms 2 baths HA or VA Call for details Roberts Agency 722 2850 722 3033 OR SALE at public auction April 13 at 11 am 40 acres house and furni shings Annie Sturgill residence on Taylor Road off highway 113 at Laurel Springs NEAR BAPTIST Hospital nicely fur nished room all conveniences Rea sonable 722 8460 3818 Country Club Rd 765 0586 $14 wk $14 wk $1750 wk $650 wk $1125 wk 48x50 BLDG On a 50x142 lot with 12 ft alley in rear Only $28000 Owner will finance Slate Realty 723 9688 WESTDALE urnished housekeeping rooms 2 blocks from 'Sears Private entrance Gentle 1 PA 5 1577 149 MARSHALL furnished 2 room apartment available private bath heat parking PA 3 5485 SOUTH 1746 PEACHTREE ST 5 rooms go condition $55 mo Hubbard Realty Co 723 4332 5 LARGE ROOMS near Academy Peters Creek Parkway Shopping Center $13 week 722 6412 COLORED: 1806 14th 3 rms $875 wk 1425 8W 6 rms( $16 wk 1305 Rundell 4 rms $12 wk 618 Glenn Ave 4 rms $10 wk: 328 14th St 3 rms $1250 wk Reed Son PA 2 8434 BALDWIN I SON REALTOR PA 2 1 $34 PA 2 2540 HIGH POINT RD GLENN HI RD EXTRA LARGE 7 ROOM HOUSE IDEAL COUNTRY PLACE125 MO LOT ON RADORD ST 60x160 Zoned Business $9000 Chrysson Bros Realty Co 725 8547 1407 CLOVER St private entrance and bath $45 per month 722 5528 or 725 3171 WAKE OREST AREA very nice 2 bedroom ranch home for rent at $110 month Phone days 924 8151 nights 924 8813 ST In Walkertown large Including a modern paneled with bullt lns Installations for and dryer A lot of house with fruit frees or a modest 5 ROOM HOUSE 3 miles South of Western Electric Old Lexington Rd 788 0839 NEAT 4 rooms bath garage 9 miles south highway 52 764 1195 PRIVATE entrance ground floor Corner bedroom Gentleman Garage 722 2676 URNISHED Sleeping Rooms $6 wk Men no drinking Lawrence Apartments 717 Oak 723 9406 NEAR BAPTIST HOSPITAL nice room with kitchen privileges bath tele phone PA 3 6265 NICE 3 room apartment Walking distance of town Business lady only Reed 8 Son PA 2 8434 BALDWIN 8 SCN REALTOR PA 2 1834 PA 2 2540 8 ACRES nice 5 room house bath and heat Good spring gravity water 3 miles west of Sparta Call 372 5577 after 6:00 pm ARM LOCATED Longview Township Surry County approximately two (2) miles from Needham's Store on Dead End Road off Ararat Road leading from Old US 52 containing 73 acres more or less with 251 acres tobacco allotment 2 acres corn allotment 11 acres wheat allotment approximately 30 acres clear Land is to be sold minus timber Price $19750 Possession given Immediately Rural Hall Wilson Bros Lumber Co 969 5561 754 WAUGHTOWN nice 7 room home with bath All conveniences Good condition $85 monthly Walsh Insurance 8 Really 722 7119 VERY DESIRABLE business property near downtown 8 expressways ronts on irst Brookstown Shallowford Sts Only $10000 Chrysson Bros Realty Co 725 8547 ASSUME 4' loan Buena Vista Rd 4 bedroom ranch Carpeting dishwasher Large lot $26500 No agents please 722 3254 CLOSE IN clean comfortable breakfast tonal free parking 725 3094 2 Bedroom Apts Available May 1 $140 5 ROOMS Redecorated new furnace Middle aged or retired Couple desired 722 4412 BY OWNER 3 Bedrooms 2 baths carpet air conditioners playroom Sandersted 1531 Treton Lane 723 5167 NICE 2 Bedroom trailer Porch awning Married couple 747 1070 $10 9 9 $750 wk $9L 4 ROOM HOUSE Sedge Garden newly painted garden space running water no bath Cheap rent small family 993 2336 WORTH LOOK Longview (off Waugh) New 5 rm Bsmt 7S2 1768 air Down 4136 at streams Call now terms $38500 Acre OR RENT 3303 Arlington Dr bedroom home Call owner 766 6625 NEAR HILLSVILLE Va Between 60 70 acres Good land fenced beautiful views Spring large creek Out buildings 8 6 room house $6000 Swayne Box 29A Route 2 Hillsville Va CLOSE IN Nice clean rms S10 S11 wk kite prlv 139 Spring 722 9438 SOUTH 500 Brookline 4 room house $70 mo Available April 5th 7259768 Nights 723 8978 4 ROOM Apartment furnished Heal furnished Wayside Dr below Parkview ott High Point Rd 788 92)9 788 1743 BUSINESS man decorative bedroom telephone carpet bath $15 wk 725 9355 724 9826 30 acres near Courtay Yadkin County Some oak timber ronts on State Road A mile from paved road Beautiful 'ding sites NICE COMORTABLE bedroom in private home Close in Gentlemen only $850 week PA 4 6682 ROOMS AT reasonable rates single or double room for young man Steam heat tile shower television com fortable beds telephone Center of town Ideal for men Dial PA 2 1165 URNISHED bedroom in private home opposite Wake orest on Polo Rd 7259624 ''ff zyx 4 apeed cuto I jll eS mafic portable ill phonographs $4'S 4 speed eufa floor model phonograph! $3995 up CONVENIENT CREDIT 5rt4a Nitre til COLORED 754 Moravia 4 room house $1250 723 5096 788 4573 leat Chiddie NORTH 2 BEDROOM brick house $1750 wk Bus line Call 767 3324 2532 WOODVILLE ST Near Hills Jr High School Extra nice 4: room home decorated Inside and out oil hot air heat to each room Only $9500 Owner will help finance Slate Realty 723 9688 Res 5958171 969 3580 924 4026 724 0358 725 7920 PHILLIPS BRIDGE acres 400 ft road frontage 181 ft frontage on Muddy Creek Reai nice Clemmons approx SVi acres of real nice land off Klnnamon Rd partial terms Homelife Realty Office 764 4511 Res 725 8420 766 4269 7650504 URNISHED Private room and bath Heat lights water $8 wk 765 2276 SNIDER rooms kitchen washer and lot price Smell down peyment Assume loan The Stuart Bondurant Realty Co Phone 724 8344 ARDMORE Near Baptist Hospital room for gentleman Dial 725 4168 52 acres flood farm land 23 ml from city in Yadkin County 1771 ft on State Rd Good stream and lake site COMORTABLE furnished rooms Reasonable rates weekly or monthly Telephone maid service Good homes for retired folks apartments Hotel Zinzendorf NICE Room private entrance tub and shower bath good location 725 7848 NORTH In private home urnished efficiency apartment Ladies preferred PA 2 4658 NICE QUIET Single room Private home Off street parking Gentleman Box 73 Journal Sentinel SOUTH 352 Junia Ave 5 rooms bath $1350 wk Jim urches 725 7556 Res 765 2242 OR SALE BY OWNER East near Reynolds Park 3 bedrooms I1 baths living room with fireplace paneled kltchen den combination 3 years old air conditioned Down payment assume VA loan 784 0488 NICELY furnished comfortable room Twin beds shower bath TV Gentle men 724 1451 838 BROOKLINE ST Nice 3 bedroom home on paved street Newly decorated throughout Will sell HA or only $9500 Slate Realty Co 723 9688 Res: 595 8171 724 0358 924 4026 969 3580 7257920 1303 1227 1321 1226 1408 PRIVATE ROOM with bath all niences close in town 212 722 4547 BEAUTIUL rooms Very desirable location Ladles Call evenings between 5 10 pm 722 2174 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD Large older home 7 rooms 2 baths bright cheerful kitchen with many cabinets and pantry On extra large lot fenced with excellent garden fruit and nut trees Large 2 car garage E6 Church Kates Realty Res 725 4631 765 1294 724 0149 CLOSE IN 3 rooms furnished bath first floor urnished bedroom kitchen privilege 722 395 HA 8 VA appraisals United Mortgage! Servicing Corp 238 Trade 724 3645 ARDMORE New Listing Lovely 3 bedroom brick Only $600 dn $110 per mo Shields Realty 722 8273 anytime COLORED Nice single room Apply In person 612 26th emale pre ferred Call or Visit SALEM SQUARE APTS Mon Through rl am to 1 pm BALDWIN SON PA 2 1834 PA 2 2540 Page Twin City Sentinel Winston Salem Saturday April 6 1968 If I'm a Home Owner I Can Get These Into ONE RELIABLE REALTORS 39 YEARS Completely carpeted Heating Air cond water range refrigerator disposal dishwasher Included Also pools playgrounds 8 laundry facili ties ully equipped Salem House for private parties 1122 ORD STREET 4 rooms bath kitchen basement oil heat jarage ftewldecorated 100 per mo 723 1023 AIR CONDITIONED 2 room furnii apartment Private bath utili Ladies $15 725 2951 WEST POLO RD near Speas School 3W acres Max Dwlggins Realtor 723 6844 Res: 722 1572 A REAL clean 2 bedroom home with large living room kitchen with dinette screened side porch and full basement Very large lot Its priced under $12000 It'll sell fast Near Marvin Methodist Church on Conner Rd Binkley Rd Binkley Real Estate Co 723 9676 Res: 767 2634 724 8963 10X50 2 BEDROOM Trailer alr condltloned All utilities furnished Robin Hood Trailer Park 9453343 515 BROAD Lady nice furnished room Kitchen privileges Private home 515 Broad Call after 3:30 pm 724 3352 DUPLEX $40 per month Water furni shed half bath 115 Hines Drive 788 1754 We have under contract for closing within the next ten days real property which has sold for this amount 423 SUMMIT Street 725 0325 Com fortable bedroom connecting bath private home private entrance EXCELLENT Location for many bu sinesses Ideal for drlve ln loan com pany florist printing shop etc 1st 8 Brookstown Owner III Will sacrifice for $10000 Chrysson Bros Realty Co 7258547 LOCKLAND AVE Convenient both hospitals 3 room 1 apartment bath living room bedroom kitchen with eating area Heat water lights fur nished Immediate occupancy Lease reguired $80 month or appointment West PA 5 0114 GENTLEMEN bedroom with lavatory private home private entrance living room refrigerator TV phone linens furnished parking reasonable 722 6046 3 ROOMS Kitchenette private bath entrance urnished 1123 West End Blvd 722 1879 AUTO LOANS 8 inancing $100 to $2500 Money in 20 minutes State Mortgage Co 607 Peters Creek Parkway Phone 722 0352 SHORT ON CASH? Bills got you See us for a conventional loan Union National Bank NICELY URNISHED bedrooms near Baptist Hospital Call 7256255 before 2 pm $500 to $5000 604 WEST ST 7 room brick newly decorated oil heat 725 0874 or 765 0550 ext 21 BARGAIN 2 bedroom apartment carpet water stove refrigerator 10 minutes from downtown $82 per mo 969 5521 969 5105 WEST 111 GORDON 1 bedroom home excellent condition 2 car garage $90 per mo SOUTH TOWN 2431 Stockton St 3 bedrooms good condition $85 per mo Just coll 724 8344 ty with us LOANS Winston Pawnbrokers will loan you more on anything of value 25 years experience Winston pawnbrokers 607 Trade St KERNERSVILLE New listing Spacious 6 rooms 3 bedrooms City conveniences $12500 Sink Realty 78 4860 Your Application Will Receive Immediate Attention! 657 5TH ST WINSTON SALEM Dvn'etfh 7 wk 10W 7 wk Underwood $18 wk Peachtree $875 wk Gray 9 wk Locust Clark Camercn Main 17m YADKIN COUNTY 25 miles of Winston Salem on new 421 Approx 34 acre tract and a 12 acre tract Call to see this property A A Slawter Realty pa 3 3205 QUAKER GAP Stokes County 90 acres plus feed barn 3 tobacco barns pack house and nice 6 room older home all for $18500 Triad Real Estate Walkertown Office 595 2112 Nights weekends Earline Whitt 724 6996 Geneva Pitts 788 2145 Paul Draughn 595 2465 COLORED 3223 reemont 5 rms breakfast rm oil furnace lot fenced $20 522 Liberia 6 rms $1250 1008 Patterson 9 rms $15 1344 Cherry 3 rms redecorated $9 617 15th 4 rms gas furnace $15 Clinard Baynes PA 2 1159 1508 ARGONNE 4 rms remodeled gas furnace $15 3640 Yale 5 rms oil furnace $1625 812 Broad 4 rms redec $15 2420 Sunnyside 5 rms $12 923 Apple 4 rms $10 Clinard Baynes PA 2 1159 60 Mon'hs to Repay saa' COMPANY Ceoauare iaanee DMatoa CALL 725 9735 LOUIS WACHSMUTH JR Monootr JANICE CARICO Secretory APPROX 5 ACRES 390 RONTAGE JUST A STONE'S THROW ROM SCHLITZ BREWERY SITE JOHN PAPPAS CO REALTOR 722 2851 724 7623 ARM OR SALE by owner 382 acres Henry County Virginia Approx 150 acres open land In good sod Suitable for grain hay or grazing Good storage barns and sheds 1 silo and tenant house Large quantity of hardwood and pine timber Beautiful building sites overlooking the City of Martinsville Watered by nice streams with several lake locations inancing available Call Rocky Mount Virginia 703 483 9798 7 Rooms 866 4th St $50 Rooms 3306 Kirby $1125 wk Room Apt 1143 Burke $40 Room Apt 642 Holly Ave $65 Rooms 324 Gloria Ave $75 Rooms 119 Poplar $40 Rooms 214 Spruce $85 Rooms 1140 Albert $12 wk JUST 10 Down on 5 10 15 25 acre tracts also large lots consisting of 20000 sq ft or more Located Piney Mtn Rd off Hwy 8 We finance on low monthly payments Only requirement Is to be at least 21 years old Call Jim Messick Office 724 6368 Res 724 2938 788 8084 TIMBER arms tracts Call Jim Messick Office 724 67 724 2938 76 ACRE ARM Old house barn 3 tobacco barns pack house chicken house One of the best buys In Stokes County Just $150 acre Call King Real Estate 983 3950 Res 983 3947 Would you like to have your share of the next $16650000 we pay over to friends who en trust the sale of their property to us? List your rural and farm property with us for quick sale HOOTS REALTY CO 2554 Or Yadkinville 679 8253 after 5 pm A PROITABLE BUSINESS Let us show you how to own and operate a profit making business In a multi billion dollar phase of the automotive industry No automotive experience needed but Sales or Management experience helpful We provide training and Suprvlslon consignment inventory Management and Service procedures your books set up ready to operate Strong Na tional Image advertising and Pro motion Package The most complete automotive franchise package available We Invite comparison Grayson Rose Automatic Transmis sion Company Is the world's largest rebuilder of pretested automatic transmissions ranchise available in Carolina TOWNS 25X100 UP POPULATION APPROXIMATE $10000 INVESTMENT WITH partial financing available Terrific earnings opportunity All replies held In strictest confidence No obligation or additional information write or call today Cosby Hodges President Grayson Rose Automatic Transmission Co 708 South 22nd Street Birmingham Alabama 35233 Area Code 205 328 5076 or evenings 879 7795 RM EAST SIDE APTS 3 rms 1104 31st St 3 rms 3009 Woodland 4 rms 532 13th 3 rms 361 End Blvd 3 rms 16 Purcell rms 341 7W SI 3 rms 1515 25th $rrA I'SI Gray 3 rms 1606 3 rms 1605 3 rm 1322 3 rms 1010 rms Irms 3 rms 3 rm 3 rms 3 rms U'l 12th LEWISVILLE Trailer for rent Cail after 4 pm 766 6687 DUPLEX furnished 3 rooms Two private entrances Recently redecorated Quiet neighborhood Near bus single person or couple 765 5261 722 2303 SALEM VIEW APARTMENTS 2001 South Main Street 2 Bedroom Apartment Refr water furnished Heat Air Condition facilities available JOHNSON 8 722 6133 NORTHCREST APTS 279 Shattalon Dr Air condition carpeted Stove refrigerator water furnished One mile west on Shattalon Drive from Cherry SI 924 2501 ARDMORE Unfurnished private apartment $75 mo Mature lady or couple 2383 Maplewood PA 5 1751 BETHABARA furnished efficiency apartment private good location Business lady or gentleman 924 2230 NORTH Modern 3 room furnished apartment heat each room 4327 Tise Ave 767 0472 767 1290 MILLER PARK Apartment 5 rm apartment Available Heat 8 water furnished $94 month 725 3741 WINSTON APARTMENTS 654 4th Large 3 room apartment urnished i Also heat and water PA 4 0501 TOWNHOUSES I New 2 bedroom 1W baths air conditioned wall to wall carpet all appliances furnished Individual living with no upstairs neighbors i i WESTSHIRE DOWNS On Peace Haven Road Phone 765 5263 1 OAKWOOD 2425 Queen carpet air conditioned 1 bedroom apartment custom made draperies $100 722 6692 725 5601 1 2 BEDROOM mobile homes for rent or sale Some with washers 924 8537 VERY NICE 1 bedroom apt Wall to wall carpet stove refrigerator disposal air conditioner 445 Corona St Near Bapt I Hospital $90 mo Grubbs Real Estate Co 725 4293 701 SUMMIT 1 bedroom furnished heat water no children $75 722 3827 723 5501 CINDY LOU Apartments 1045 Bank Street nice 2 bedrooms stove refrigerator Venetian blinds $80 per mo near Parkway Chalet 764 1796 1 2 Bedroom trailers $110 $120 mo convenient to Air orce Winston Salem Kernersville 788 2961 OR COLORED 1425 St large I 4 room duplex apt with full bath wlt PA 2 5147 Nighis PA 2 ROOM Apartment furnished except gas $11 wk Lawrence Apartments 717 Oak 723 9406 ROOMS 8 URNISHED upper flat for rent All utilities paid No xhildren 724 3445 3 ROOM Duplex Refrigerator built in range full basement hot air heat 4808 Old Rural Hall Road 767 0212 JEAN ANN APTS 1047 Academy 1 bedroom and efficiency Stove refrigerator Murphy bed furnished 722 7690 between 5:30 and 7:30 pm CLOSE IN urnished Heat lights and water Call after 4:30 pm 725 5475 MODERN APARTMENT 840 Carolina Avenue Large living room dining room 2 bedrooms tile bath including refrigerator range water radiant heat $110 per month Call 722 6397 723 5004 WEDGEWOOD APT'S 1 bedroom apt's furnished $120 unfurn $100 all utilities paid air cond swimming pool call Lawson Realty 724 1505 Nite 788 2022 723 1214 EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $50 3 room? dinette bath Good neighborhood Western section Convenient location PA 5 1041 PA 3 1945 ARDMORE 2383 Maplewood 2 bedroom apartment Paneled living room kitchen PA 5 1751 3 BEDROOM trailer washer Murray Road $80 After 6 pm 924 8687 i 10X50 2 BEDROOM trailer Llglts water furnished Couple only $77 mo 924 8331 BROWN APTS Modern 1 bedroom air conditioned apartment Corner Shattalon ur and James St 924 8462 1448 4TH ST Ext near Salem Shopping Center Duplex apt Extra large living room with fireplace Kltch en dinette with stove 8 ref 1 large bedroom 1 small bedroom rear screened porch $69 monthly 722 8192 '66 MODEL 12x45 3 bedroom furnished trailer Lights heat water furnished Lakeview Village 788 5649 WEST ON US 158 furnished apartment 3 rooms 8 bath Private entrance parking 765 2024 OR 1 bdrm Trailer Oak Grove i Rd Sedge Garden 993 2336 NICE 2 BEDROOM Mobile home au tomatic washer $2250 wk plus utilities 766 6770 3 ROOMS Shoreton Apartments Pershing Ave Air conditioned walk in closet fully electric 723 5413 613 SUMMIT urnished efficiency heat 8 water $60 mo One person 723 S501 NEAR Air orce station nice furnished apartment reasonable Call 723 3883 after 5:00 pm BUENA VISTA urnished 5 rooms Business professional unusually desirable Reasonable 2500 Robin Hood AIR CONDITIONED garden apartment 3 rooms bath 725 0656 daytime 3 ROOM apartment Stove refrigerator utilities furnished $45 month 619 Mt Vernon Couple or elderly person only 765 2532 NEW 12X60 housetrailer IVb bafhs i washer no pets 595 8190 BRIAR CREEK Townhouse Apartments Available Immediately 2 bedroom luxury apartment $110 mo 766 4492 after 5 pm 143 WEST END BLVD 3 rooms stove refrigerator $65 mo Newton Bros 722 OR RENT OR SALE Real nice 2 bedroom mobile home $75 per month Children under 1 year eld desired 595 2033 after 5 pm COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENTS Opening in the Spring I loor plan now on display ERRELL REALTY CO Wachovia Bldg Phone 722 5147 722 7763 DUKE POWER INVITES YOU TO SEE PARKLAND APARTMENTS Country club living for the young at heart i One bedroom furnished with the latest in Spanish contemporary or modern furniture An all electric kitchen that features all appliances Including dishwasher and disposal plus flameless electric heating and cooling Also Included Is membership in Parkland Lounge which features taproom and covered all season swimming pool Management service by ALLGOOD REALTY CORP NO CHILDREN OR PETS DIRECTIONS: Salem Valley Road lust off Hutton Street 750 DEVONSHIRE 3 rooms bath Water furn $40 mo Max Dwlggins Realtor 7236844 or 722 1572 REAL NICE 1 bedroom trailer $65 mo Woodlawn Trailer Park 993 4229 or 766 4806 1 WEST SALEM Extra nice 2 bedroom apt stove refrlg air cond disposal carpeted $90 mo Hubbard Realty 723 I 4332 Nites 765 3719 PIEDMONT Bible College area 3 rm 1 apt furn 906 i lin St $1650 per wk 3 rms 710 Washington St Stove ref $65 mo Baldwin Son Realtor PA 2 1834 PA 2 2540 I CLASSIIED DISPLAY DUKE POWER Invites you to see these new Bronze Medallion Apart ments featuring flameless electric 1 and cooling unfurnished or furnished with all new and different styles of furniture completely carpeted in colorful colors Appliances In color has large amount of beautiful cabinets roof balcony Building of rustic mountain ap pearance Reasonably priced Ex tremely good location Near Wake orest and Reynolda Manor Call Snow Builder BAPTIST HOSPITAL AREA 4 rms 157 Westdale Ave Stove ref $65 mo 4 rms 1302 irst St (Willow Apts) $65 mo 3 rms 905 Madison Ave Stove ref util $70 mo 2 rms eft furn 131 Westdale Av $100 mo BALDWIN SON REALTOR PA 2 1834 PA 2 2540 MODERN efficiency apts off Queen St at Baptist Hospital Westwood Apts 2 rms stove refr! carpeted we furnish heat water 8 air conditioning urnished apts $115 mo unfurnished apts $85 mo Baldwin Son Realtor PA 2 1834 PA 2 2540 1 BEDROOM Apt $65 mo Apartment bldg Hubbard alty 723 4332 124 TAYLOR ST Extra nice 3 room apt with carpet stove refrigerator $70 mo Hubbard Realty 723 4332 Nites 765 3719 CRESTCOURT 1 or 2 bedroom apartment heat water air conditioned Venetian blinds game room swimming pool $90 8 $100 per month PA 4 2472 UNURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment 127 West End Blvd Water furnished $60 mo Available now 725 9768 Nights 723 8978 NICE 2 BEDROOM trailer with utilities furnished $2750 wk 767 3692 ANSWORTH APTS 2 bedrooms stove refrigerator air conditioning $80 mo Hubbard Really 723 4332 Nites 765 3719 1 2 3 bedrooms $53 $62 8 $68 per mo Stove refrigerator 8 blinds furnished PA 4 1540 URNISHED AND UNURNISHED 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS WITH DINETTE RANGE RERIGERATOR VENETIAN BLINDS WATER HEAT AN MAINTENANCE URNISHED IN WESTERN SECTION AT EX PRESSWAY 723 3231 OR PA 4 1721 SATURDAY ATERNOON ANO SUNDAY CALL PA 2 8871 WO 9 3405 409 SUMMIT 4 rms stove ref $75 669 Holly 3 rms stove ref heat $55 '401 Acadia 3 rm furn $15 531 Akron 4 rms oil furnace stove ref $1650 1611 Northwest Blvd 4 rms stove ref $9450 Clinard Baynes PA 2 1159 $100 MONTH WHY PAY A HIGH PRICE WHEN YOU CAN GET A BEAUTIUL RANCH TYPE 1 bedroom modern apartment Hotpoint kitchen In color Attractive front and back yard Extremely good location near Waka orest PA 3 5047 after 6 pm MAGNOLIA APTS: Northwest aTd Hinshaw living room dining room combination kitchen bedroom tile bath plenty of closets prlvata en trances maintenance service range refrigerator blinds disposal carpeted $70 or $75 month 724 2472 MONTICELLO APARTMENTS Spring and warm weather Is ap proaching Move In and enjoy the air conditioning and swimming pool this summer 1 2 8 3 bedrooms All utilities except lights Maintenance Service laundry room In each Bldg Nursery Play ground areas carpeted apartment available REAL ESTATE HOUSE INC 722 1059 Nights 723 8154 CLEAN beautifully furnished rooms Private Ideal 3 persons Quiet neighborhood 725 1829 725 1149 5 ROOM URNISHED apartment with all utilities Close in References re qulred 722 7717 DUPLEX 4 rooms 1109 End Blvd Tile bath and shower available April 1st References 724 0623 THE WILLIAMSBURG 624 End Blvd Conveniently located in a beautiful setting overlooking Hanes Park Large 2 bedroom apt now available All on 1 floor front 8 back entrances Heat hot water ref range Park on paved lot Play tennis practice golf in Hanes Park Swim in pool at nearby YWCA PA 2 4422 PA 2 1225 Ripple Realty Co 3 ROOM URNISHED apartment Downstairs Call 725 2193 TRANSIENTS BOXWOOD APTS 1 BEDRM COMPLETELY URN $40 WK UP $125 MO UP 1937 BEACH 722 1754 Business Locations COMMERCIAL BUILDING irst Street and Cloverdale Ave area 7500 sqr feet with off street parking ORSYTH COUNTY LAND COMPANY Call 723 3531 ARDMORE POST Office building Miller St ground floor heat air condition parking PA 4 3021 BUILDING OR RENT 15x60 suitable for most any type business 322 Wavghtown Street $75 month Apply John Leonard Jewelers 3 2 0 Waughtown Phone 723 51 88 OICE SPACE OR RENT IN NEW BUILDING Carpet Janitor service parking Near town and Expressway Call 0 Jones LAMB YOUNG JONES Commercial Properties 725 8501 Desk and Office Room MODERN office space available with all utilities furnished Janitor service free parking Call Bill Wishon 725 8547 765 0642 ACROSS ROM Thruway Shopping Professional office 1880 sq ft or less Heat air conditioned PA 4 3322 OICE Space available $50 per mo up Air conditioned All utilities 925 Brookstown 725 3171 BASEMENT space suitable for office or storage Heated 1600 sq ft or less if desired Apply Jones TV 1170 ourth St PA 5 2304 Homes for Rent 3 BEDROOM HOMEOR RENT 263 SHATTALON DR 7 room brick house 4 bedrooms 2 baths basement beautiful yard completely furnished $175 per mo LAMBE YOUNG REALTORS PA 5 8501 IN KERNERSVILLE 3 bedroom brick all modern conveniences Paneled 993 3844 Resort Property for Sale RANCH TYPE year round home central heal air condltoner 3 bedrooms well furnished garage Corner lot 85 by 120 ft Beautiful yard $2750000 Box 81 Atlantic Beach BLUE RIDGE Property near Hillsville Va 76 acres good 4 room farm house and farm buildings 50 acres grass 25 acres timber All fenced Bordering on large river also springs trout streams Vi mile off black top road Price $110 per acre Webb Realty Mt Airy Phone 786 4023 2 8 3 BEDROOM cottages High Rock lake Harold Hedrick Const 8 Realty Inc Lexington 246 6613 744 5389 246 5804 badin Lake We have some beautiful wooded waterfront lots available In the SHAMROCK VALLEY DEVELOP MENT on Badin One of Piedmont's inest Lakes TERMS UP TO 5 Years GRUBBS REAL ESTATE CO 211 Liberty St 725 4293 After 5 pm Call Resi 723 4828 3 ACRES more or less along Blue Ridge Parkway enced barn spring good mountain road 17 miles from ancy Gap 8 Hwy 52 facing Mt Airy 722 4935 after 4 pm Monday riday BEAUTIUL BUILDING Lots near High Meadows at Roaring Gap Dial 724 9094 CHECK THISI Near Nancy Reynolds School acre tract with old 5 room house with fireplace deep well Also 18x40 metal outbuilding adlolning hard surface road Price $2500 Call Bob Middleton King 983 5092 NOW IS THE TIME fo buy a motel or cottage Tucker Real Estate Co Phone 919 458 2681 Carolina Beach NEAR HILLSVILLE Va 60 acre tract adlolning hardsurface road electricity approx 40 acres cleared with creek through bottom land Old log house price $9000 Terms Call Bob Middleton King 983 5092 NEAR HILLSVILLE VA 15 ACRE tract with modern 3 bedroom home bath furnace deep well 2 car garage good lake site (secluded) $8500 12 acres adlolning large creek with small log cabin fireplace and electricity $1800 with terms Call Bob Middleton King 983 5092 Vacation Places CRESCENT BEACH A 1 apartment Sleeps 8 TV Make reservation now Schaefer PA 3 3105 fill 12 pm NOW TAKING reservations for 3 bedroom trailer located Myrtle Beach One block from Roller Coaster one block from ocean Hwy 17 945 3343 924 8192 BLUE MARLIN MOTEL now open for 1968 off season rates in effect til May for reservations phone 726 4393 Morehead City Atlantic Beach Local c'fice Jim Messick Co 724 6368 Res 72e Brokers in Real Estate WE SELL real estate Anywhere privately or at auction Try us for fast actions satisfaction guaranteed ree appraisal if we list your property Call 969 6210 Nite Walnut Cove 591 7535 GALLAHER JOHNSON REALTY CO Our service doesn't cost It paysl Benefit from our active sales effort List with us PA 4 6405 John Gallaher REAL ESTATE Insurance Rental June Dinkins Twin City Investment Co 1301 Clover St PA 3 6912 US YOUR NEEDS we have it or we'll get it for youl Ashburn Real Estate Real Estate Sales public auction 8 ins 983 5126 983 3382 Business Properties for Sale USE YOUR Investment Dollar to pur chase 823 ifth St large house 8 lot near proposed new Convention Center Price reduced Watson Realty 765 4351 ZONED or Business 4 acres land with 6 room house 767 1809 BUSINESS Zoning 5 room dwelling on lot 70x223 also vacant lots 175x140 all located in Peters Creek Business Area Hugh Pollard Realtor 724 5501 VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY Lot 85x450 PA 5 5678 PA 3 5378 INVESTMENT PROPERTY APARTMENT 11 units modern brick structure Ardmore section walking distance of Thru way Shopping Center CALL JONES Lambe Young Jones Commercial Properties 725 8501 BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale or rent 1239 Old Salisbury Road lust beyond Clarks Department Store Approx imately 1000 sq ft office space and 900 sq ft garage area and storage ormerly used for construction com pany office and shop Ed McGuire Realty Co 764 1600 or 725 4470 BY OWNER Business lot zoned for apartments or offices Ideal for doctor's office 180 ft front 150 ft deep Across from North American Van Lines Less than $100 per front foot 725 9444 9:30 5:30 INDIANA AVE near Duplan 134 ft front 415 ft containing 17 acres A avenson 8 Son 723 6191 VALUABLE BUSINESS Property Ap proximately block Consists church 3 houses ront on Broad Brookstown on North Green on West Choice spot Relocate business offices store school high rise apartments Isabella Pagett Real Estate 722 8702 3 Yru 5 Yre $3492 $2506 698 $012 8730 626S 12223 8771 17461 12531 Homes for Sale Gl LOAN 2234 Marble 2 bedrooms kitchen dining living rm glassed in back porch detached garage $10000 100 Gl loan Shugart Enter prises 924 9901 Res 595 2123 945 3362 4 ACRES and a 10 room home Den with playroom and fireplace pony bam with large pasture stream thru pasture 3 bedrooms double garage 2 baths dishwasher and disposal electric heat and Ir con ditioning Call us 5 LOT OR THE MONEY Polo Owner will pay closing cost on this Ranch style home with fenced back yard den storage room dining room extra large workshop and more Will sell HA or VA only $12'50 Wake Drive Area 1 COLORED Old Greensboro Rd Only $7750 for this 2 bedroom home with dining room living room kitchen plenty of cabinets 7x31 front porch 6x15 rear porch basement with additional room oil heat to each room and washer dryer con nections COLORED NEW LISTING Burton Street Real clean older home with 7 large rooms and porches Near schools bus and grocery stores Only $10000 Call for information COLORED 3218 OLD GREENSBORO ROAD 8 room home on extra large lot Only $10500 Excellent fi nancing available LAWSON AND LAWSON Realty Co Inc CALL "THE AGGRESSORS Office 724 1505 Res 724 5803 788 1777 983 3079 723 6740 724 5339 945 5711 788 7021 I 923 2872 788 2022 723 0032 993 4645 725 6061 788 5769 945 5315 723 5070 377 2329 765 1571 969 5755 BUY WITH CONIDENCE We Only Sell Happiness IT PAYS TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US WE TRY HARDER HOME WITH ACREAGE We have lust listed nice 6 room home and 34 acres of land 2000 ft road frontage stream 197 Tobacco allot ment two tobacco barns Approxi mately ip acres cleared land balance young timber with 10 years growth KONNOAK HILLS We have Just listed a lovely 5W brick rancher with two car carport Newly decorated throughout Ideal for those looking for something unusually clean and nice 3 bedrooms IW baths carpeted living room and hall Con venient fo Konnoak Elementary Philo Jr High and Parkland High Walking distance of schools Must be seen to be appreciated Owner will sell on 90 basis and pay discount points PAUL A BENNETT REALTY CO INC 229 TRADE ST 723 1664 Paul A Bennett 724 4494 Clyde Hampton 788 4087 NEW Sheraton Park lovely brick rancher on a spacious lot Entrance hall living room with fireplace attractive den with fireplace driftwood paneled playroom with fireplace and built in grill screened porch bullf lns In kitchen full basement with drlve in garage 3 bedrooms 3 baths Another good value and location (Area 5 G) Shoreland Park walking distance Sherwood orest School 4 bedrooms bath split level brick and cedar shakes Large paneled den with at tractive fireplace screened porch bullt lns basement playroom Well landscaped lot 100x1'80 Excellent value and location (Area 6 1206 Magnolia Street plenty of room in this brick ranch four bedroom home Upstairs big living room with fireplace kitchen with dishwasher and attractive dining area 1z baths many closets Lower level includes finished playroom big bedroom and full bath plus additional storage Per fect for growing family and only $19500 7 455 HAWTHORNE A very livable home close to Baptist Hospital Use as a single family residence or two apartments Eight rooms and two full baths Priced right 6 MRS TED MILLER 8 ASSOCIATES Realtor Member MLS 722 0178 Mrs Gwyn 723 6117 Mrs Walker 723 7178 WOODBERRY DRIVE (Woodberry orest) Nearing completion 4 bed room brick rancher in a neighbor hood of prestige homes This spacious beauty Is fully carpeted and cen trally AIR CONDITIONED Schools and shopping nearby Drive out and see this fine home today Off Reyn olda Rd lust beyond Wake orest University entrance (Area 5 5030 RUSHLAND DRIVE (Rolling Hills) "A Must See" Ranch Colonial: 3 bedrooms 2 baths car peted entry hall and living room with beautiful fireplace Circulating hot water heat Playroom with fire place Owner transferred said "Sell" (Area 6 E) 1211 COLISEUM DRIVE In lovely Sheraton Park adlacent to Old Town Country Club Built only 6 years ago this brick split level 4 bedroom 3W bath beauty Is priced below the market Located in the Brunson Wiley Reynolds school district Im mediate occupancy One of many PLUS EATURES Is large paneled den or office plus carpeting and family room with fireplace See this marvelous value today Will lease (Area 5 G) KEMPTON DANCY CO Realtors Members MLS 631 Coliseum Dr PA 4 3665 KONNOAK SECTION Convenient to schools shopping and to the city See this 6 room brick rancher with I1 baths and situated on a nice level lot Large kitchen enclosed back porch carport paved driveway This home could be used as a tour bedroom home Living room den and hall carpeted Situated on the very pretty Weisner Street Priced lust $18500 (Area Code 7) COUNTRY CLUB ROAD A IVE BEDROOM eatures 8 rooms In all plus two enclosed porches Living room with fireplace dining room Situated on two beautiful lots with paved drive to garage In the basement Approximately 240 ft of road frontage This home of brick veneer construction and very con veniently located Priced only $24800 (E 7 Area Code) NEW LISTING MOCKSVILLE NC Perfectly delightfull I or an adventure In house hunting you must see this charm laden home In Its secluded location There are certainly too many features to list them all room brick rancher all on one floor Den with fireplace exposed beams Indirect lighting and filanters Utility room nice enough or another bedroom ull basement Sunken living room with white brick fireplace Double garage with electric eye doors Lovely lot with 332 ft frontage Priced $38500 About a 30 minute drive from Winston Salem via 1 40 HUBBARD REALTY INC Office 723 4332 Res 723 5950 765 4319 765 3719 724 1679 CLASSIIED DISPLAY GOVERNMENT WANTS TO LEASE SPACE IN WINSTON SALEM NORTH CAROLINA LOCATION: Mast be within the metropolitan area ot Winston Salem AMOUNT: 3540 net usable ware feet office epace REQUIRED: AU services and utilities includuif partitionin and aireondi tionuig are to provided as part4 Um rental consideration TERM: Initial term July 1 1368 through May 31 1971 with the Gov ernment having option to renew for a three year term and cancellation privileges in whole re in part ef fective on re after May 31 197L upon days' written notice OWNERS OR AGENTS Desiring to submit a location (or consideration should contact this office no later than April 17 1968 A representative of General Services Administration sll locations prior to 19GB GE'IERAL SERVICES I ADMINISTRATION SPACE MANAGEMENT DIVISIOH PBS TTX TeMMree Street NW Rm 4M Atianta Georgia mm SX43M Homes for Sale 23 ACRES 5 room brick homo In Walkertown 3 rooms carpeted breezeway garage basement Shugart Enterprises 924 9901 Res 723 3234 767 2105 OPEN OR OER 1621 VOGLER ST (H 7) Between Sprague Waughtown St 4 room brick bungalow with central oil heat fenced rear yard Assume loan with small down payment 2931 BIRCHWOOD DR (KNOLL WOOD MANOR 7) Assume S'A per cent loan with down payment to approved party 7 room 2 bath split level home MAX DWIGGINS REALTOR APPRAISER Suite 810 811 O'Hanlon Building Office 723 6844 Residence 722 1J72 1249 WEDGEWOOD DR One owner home located in lovely Wesfmore Hills IVi sfory brick construction wilh 4 bedrooms 2 full baths living room dining room and extra large den with fireplace Immediate possession and years of enjoyment Priced very reasonably at $23750 (Area 7) SIDES MILL road: Approx 5 miles from Thruway Shopping Center off Strafford Road Cozy 2 bedroom home with extra large lot Very good condition inside and out Ideal for young or retired couple Garden space and detached utility house Immediate possession $9500 (Area THE NADING CO Realtors Members MLS Lower Mall Thruway Shopping Center Niles 724 4681 723 1707 724 6656 722 7711 722 8980 ATTENTION VETER ANS Nothing down Extra clean 5 room home with 'paneled den at tached garage and attractive lot Priced at VA appraisal $12000 (C 6) NEW LISTING COUNTRY LANE (Davidson Nice 6 room brick rancher with carport 3 bedrooms living room kitchen with builflns and nice den This home Is extra clean and situated on a 2 3 acre wooded lot Priced for quick sale at with possible loan assump tion or 90 financing available MELVIN HUNTER REALTY CO 3710 Reynolda Rd Office 924 4181 Dorothy Hunter 1 723 6091 Melvin Hunter 723 6091 Garv Rothrock 766 4537 (Tiny) Angel 924 2298 Bill Jarvis 766 4888 SEDALIA DRIVE (Clemmons Cove Area) Sparkling brand new 3 bedroom brick home Living room formal dining room modern (paneled) eat in kitch en with plenty natural cabinet and bullt lns Beautiful paneled den with fireplace built In bookshelves and sliding french doors to patio Two full baths all electric home Carpeted throughout Excellent construction Priced $22500 CLI VAUGHAN REAL ESTATE 409 Summit St 723 0488 Realtors Members MLS Bill Huband 722 6877 Cliff Vaughan 722 1458 Carl Holyfield 723 2596 Older home In excellent condition 8 rooms and 2 full baths ormal dining room Home carpeted throughout Land partially fenced Small stream and 2 springs Several outside buildings Only 20 minutes from City LOUNSBURY REALTY COMPANY Phone 724 6323 AT NIGHT CALL Eva Marshall 924 8610 Linda Allen 924 9010 Mary Goodwin 765 4011 EVER GET TIRED LOOKING at the same homes on the same type lots in the same type areas? Well here's your chance to get a quality built deluxe 2 storv colonial with attached unfinished guest housel It's impossi ble to adequately describe the beau tiful craftsmanship in this home Birch floors in the entrance hall kitchen and den the ft living room Is breathtaklngly lovely with marble fireplace! Wainscoted panels and random with ash doors add to its attractiveness There are 3 bed rooms baths full basement and circulating hot water heat Tremen dous acreage wooded lot Priced be low replacement cost at $4550000 Located In Lake Hills at the corner of orest Lane and Whippoorwill Dr Near Rolllngreen Drive (See our sign) Attractive brick rancher with 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths and also a separate den on the first floor with a rock fire place! The modern kitchen has plenty of cabinets and dining area and bulll ln stove and oven Carpet ing in master bedroom hall and living room Big full basement with oil fired circulating hot water heat Nestled on big lot 100x200 Priced to sell at only $2200000! Shown by ap pointment only please LOAN ASSUMPTION! GOL SWIM MING? Both at your doorstep in this lovely one year old 7 room Gold Me dallion rancher Entrance hall living room with fireplace dining area big paneled den 3 bedrooms 2 full tiled baths attractive paneled kitchen has built in dishwasher and stove screened back porch Pay only $4000 cash and assume present loan with no closing costsl Located In Wedge wood on Riverdale Drive E3) GAM BATES REAL ESTATE CO 100 Marshall St PA 3 1871 Homes for Sale OR SALE By 4 A rooms Iirg wooded lot Near churches schools shopping center 76 3563 1126 CRESTWOOD DRIVE You seldom find such feature for only $11950: carpetod living and dining rooms screened back Pte'' fenced shady backyard dr ye basement Convenient quiet locationl LAMBE YOUNG pEALR5 w1 123 ayette St PA 5'8501 Merrlmont Hills Merriment Dr ve 5 bedrooms 2 full baths 3W everything carpeted except kitchen den and playroom 2 story Colonial home and very elegant top Kitchen with dishwasher disposal built in stove Large den with fireplace and sliding glass doors to huge screened porch 2 car carport Only 2 years old ully air conditioned The wooded lot will be a truly delight to see with so many lovely shrubs and so manicured One of the finest homes you could find at this price It will be a pleasure to show you By appointment only 5) Thomas Road New Listing All brick new ranch home with 3 bedrooms and 2 full ceramic baths Living room with fireplace dining room kitchen with built in oven surface unit and refrigerator Bar beque grill In kitchen double carport Your choice of carpeting thruout Winburn Lane Town 8 Country Annex This lovely brick rancher under construction features' enlranco hail living room formal dining room paneled den with fireplace threa bedrooms fully equipped kitchen 2 baths screened porch double drlve in garage in the full basement and playroom with fireplace A must to see (E 5) l1 2890 Marguerite Drive This ranch contemporary home offers all largo rooms with carpeted living room dining room hall and one of the three bedrooms The den Is also carpeted and has a fireplace and cathedral celling 2 full ceramic baths Disappearing stairs to attic storage Utility room Carport 5) 1415 Bolton Street Westmore Hills Three bedroom 1' bath home with large living room with fireplace and a full basement There Is an at tractive screened porch and a car port The lot Is excellently landscaped with lots of shrubbery flowers and apple trees Modestly priced 7) CHRYSSON BROS 1045 Burke St 725 8549 Becky Wall 722 9938 Evelyn Holder 765 4736 rances Lichteleld 765 2552 Gus Chrysson PA 2 5491 Evalina Barker 765 1267 Bill Wishon 765 0642 Julia Petrou PA 3 7018 BARGAIN Of The Yearl 1100 Butler Street Brick ranch type hom on large corner lot Once Insida this fully carpeted 3 bedroom home you will find decorator designed furnishings including furnlturgj pictures lamps color television steeo console and piano The custom made drapes are exquisite The large living room has one mirrored wall You must see this unusual offering to appreciate the quality of furnish ings and construction of this home Call soon for appointment Area 6H 1206 PINEBLU Within walking' distance of Bolton and Dalton schools Large living room with fireplace kitchen with built ins 3 bedrooms (one paneled) and beautiful ceramic baths This is an area of nice home convenient to both hospitals Area 7G NEAR Parkway Plaza 2646 Ellerbee Contemporary home on large wooded lot Really different and unusual floor plan 3 bedroom (one carpeted) Living room carpeted You won't find a cleaner more Im 1 maculate home anywhere MADELINE McNAMES MLS Office 723 4314 765 5127 723 6793 723 4061 924 8356 3010 EMERSON AVE Off South Main 4 bedroom rancher paved drive screened In porch and base ment Very handy place to live $15900 7 OLD TOWN 4671 Walden Dr' This 3 bedroom rancher is close Io school It has baths big fireplace and full basement Only $16900 4 4950 CHERRY ST 3 bedroom home full basement with fireplace 2 baths beautiful back yard that Is perfect for small children No down payment to veterans Class this one as the buy of the week 4 LEWISVILLE: New Listing Private Real nice Shape Rancher 3 bedrooms I1 baths full basement with fireplace This home Is lust Ideal for a family The floor plan Is lust wonderful for mother with small children It has a double car garage In basement Also the house sits on an acre of land and there Is more land that can be bought be sure and call us on this home today HA or VA financing available Only $23900 NEW LISTING 172 Lake In Kernersville Extra clean 3 bedroom home in nice section Utility room and carport enced in back yard Lot 71x305 Nice Loan Assumption Call Today SLATE REAL ESTATE CO REALTORS Members MLS Office 723 9688 BETTY CASSELL 724 0358 A SLATE 595 8171 JIM RAMSEY 723 7622 DALE CAMPBELL 725 7920 JOE TURNER 969 3580 CLASSIIED DISPLAY CLASSIIED DISPLAY i Choose a 7 Medallion Apartment for the Joy of Total Electric Living Beautiful New Weslshire Downs LOCATED PEACE HAVEN ROAD Just Off Country Club Road NOW LEASING These new Town House Aaprtments offer individual living wilh no upstairs neighbors lameless electric heating air conditioning and all electric appliances" 2 spacious bedrooms 114 baths wall to wall carpet ing throughout and many other features Call ORTIS ENTERPRISES INC KING These apartments offer you the unmatched comfort of flame less electric heating plus the ease and convenience of electric kitchen the added comfort of air conditioning elec tric laundry facilities and other outstanding features all of which make total electric medallion apartments your best choice for enjoyable carefree living SP.
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